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Vice Chairman

Cllr Debbie Bastin

Personal Statement

Debbie was co-opted onto the Parish Council in February 2023.

Debbie moved to Newnham with her husband Rick in 2014.

After raising her family, Debbie trained to become a teacher and worked in education in Northamptonshire for over 26 years. After several years as a class teacher, teaching all age groups in the primary phase, she progressed into leadership, first becoming a deputy, then headteacher of two large rural primary schools. As an established head of a successful school, she was then appointed to the Local Authority School Improvement team as a Partnership Head, providing school improvement support to schools across the county, which she did for several years.

Debbie took early retirement from headship in 2022 but still provides school improvement services on an independent and part-time basis. This has freed up time for her to pursue her hobbies of music, gardening and walking, and to support the local community by joining Newnham Parish Council.

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