Welcome to Newnham
Newnham is an English civil parish within the unitary authority of West Northamptonshire
Newnham nestles 2 miles south of Daventry in Northamptonshire in the valley of the River Nene below a large hill. The village name is thought to derive from the nearby River Nene. Newnham Hill is topped by an ancient disused windmill, and has commanding views over the nearby town of Daventry.
This website includes a wealth of information about the Parish Council and how we strive to make Newnham a better place to live, work and visit.
Newnham Parish Council came into existence in its own right prior to 1923.
Newnham Parish Council has 8 seats and is non-political in make-up. Councillors are elected every 4 years to represent Newnham but Councillors can, of course, decide to submit themselves for re-election and continue to serve longer.
The Parish Council's responsibilities include open spaces, burial ground, street lights and setting a precept (the amount you pay to the parish as part of your council tax) for services provided and work for the benefit of the entire community.
Meetings of the Parish Council are held on the first Monday of every month, except August, at the Village Hall, Church Street, Newnham.
The meetings are open to anyone to attend.
In addition to the Ordinary monthly meetings, there are 2 further meetings each year that are required to be held by law. These are the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting. The two are not the same!
The Annual Parish Meeting is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when Local Councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried out by meetings of the whole community. The Annual Parish Meeting is NOT a Parish Council meeting; it does not have the formality of a Parish Council meeting nor can it make decisions. It is more of an open forum for you to generate discussion, questions and ideas. The Annual Parish Meeting is when reports from district councillors and locals groups and or organisations are received. The meeting is held between 1 March and 31 May of each year.
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May of each year when the Chairman and officers are elected. The principal roles of an elected Councillor are:
- to represent the interests of all residents in their parish
- to offer advice and assistance on Council services
- to decide Council policy, monitor performance and scrutinise decisions made.
Contact Info
- 07955644586
- clerk@newnhamparishcouncil.gov.uk
Upcoming Meetings
Council Meeting – 3 Mar 2025
Committee: Full Council
Council Meeting – 7 Apr 2025
Committee: Full Council
4 November, 2024 - Society
New Newnham Village website is now Live!
The new Newnham Village website has now gone live. It is a one stop shop to find out information on village groups, village events, and for making bookings for the village hall.
Quick Links
Past Council Meetings
See when the upcoming council meetings are so you can see local governance in action.
Find documents published by the council, including financial accounts, data policies, statutory documents and more.
Discover the services that the Parish Council and Local Authority provide.
Report an Issue (West Northamptonshire Council)
Submit issues to the relevant local authority, such as potholes, missed bin collections and more.
Parish Council Updates
Parish Council Updates.
Newnham Village Website
General information about Newnham including upcoming events calendar, local services, village news and groups and clubs.
The Link Magazine
Copies of the Knightly Parish Link magazine
Councillors and Staff
Cllr Gary Hammersley
Cllr Laura Baker
Cllr Gary Niblett
Cllr Debbie Bastin
Vice Chairman
Area Information
Population Estimate
Unitary Authority
West Northamptonshire
East Midlands
Postcode District
NN11, NN7
Dialling Code
Police Force
Northamptonshire Police Force
Fire Authority
Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
Health Area
NHS Northamptonshire CCG