Published: 14 January, 2025

As you may be aware, a couple of years ago the Parish Council installed some Speed Indicator Devices
(SIDs) in various positions in the village to assist in keeping our village roads safe. The data from these is
reviewed regularly and while speeds through the village are generally not excessive, (though all SIDs detect
some speeding), there are some eye watering figures from the Weedon Road SID with vehicles entering the
village at over 90mph. Regularly speeds of over 80 are detected, albeit by a very small number of cars and
usually early in the morning.
The Parish Council has passed all the data to WNC Highways and to our local Police Community Support
team in an effort to have some kind of traffic calming measures implemented on Weedon Road.
Unfortunately due to the design and layout of the road, Highways have concluded that there are currently no
feasible options to address our concerns. However, the Parish Council will continue to monitor the SIDs and
liaise with Highways should anything change in the future.
The installation of the new village entrance signs was completed last summer and it is hoped that these will
make drivers more aware of the village boundaries and so reduce their speeds. The Council has also liaised
with the school to improve parents’ awareness and consideration of the parking issues during school drop-off
and pick-up times.
In order to help improve the safety of our village roads, will everyone using their cars please consider the
Always observe the 30mph speed limits in and out of the village
Be mindful of pedestrians, particularly
Park with consideration to other drivers and pedestrians, particularly
Let’s drive carefully and considerately and keep our village residents safe.